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In a Week: Digital Marketing in a Week DOC, MOBI, PDF


Online marketing just got easier This book is essential basic training for every small business owner or department manager before they hope to trek deeper into the marketing woods. This book gives you the broad strokes to train you in the basics of what you need to know to survive and thrive with marketing in this digital age. It's not our parents' world anymore, where direct mail, TV commercials, and billboards ruled. Now we have to adapt to changes and change fast ourselves, especially in the area of mobile marketing (also covered in this course). More than just this, of course, this book gives you the low-down on all the topics you will need: - Social marketing - Search engine optimization - 'Paid' advertising on Google/Facebook, and so on - Creating the perfect website that makes sales - And more ... (Lots of tips and tricks on everything from Yahoo Answers to press releases) A word for those whom this book isn't for: the goal of these tips is that you don't get seduced by the siren call of all the gimmicks out there. There is always another 'push button traffic' tool or 'magic bullet' product that will try to get your attention (and money). If you are looking for a 'get-rich-quick' book, this is not it. Everything, including your website, requires planning and work - work that doesn't always deliver return on investment overnight. Each of the seven chapters in Digital Marketing In A Week covers a different aspect of online marketing: - Sunday: Building the ultimate sales website - Monday: SEO: The backbone of any digital marketing strategy - Tuesday: Social media marketing madness - Wednesday: Pay per click (PPC) simplified and explained - Thursday: Mobile optimization and getting mobile users - Friday: Email marketing - why you should do it no matter what - Saturday: Other marketing tricks and tips in the modern world, Understand digital marketing fast, without cutting corners An understanding of digital marketing is essential for anyone who wants to reach the growing online and mobile market for products and services. In this short, accessible book, Nick Smith shares a lifetime of hard-earned wisdom and practical advice, giving you, in straightforward language, all the digital marketing expertise you will need to run successful mobile campaigns. The 'in a week' structure explains the essentials of digital marketing over just 7 days: Sunday: Search Engine Optimisation Monday: Social media marketing Tuesday: Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing Wednesday: Mobile marketing Thursday: Email marketing Friday: Free and paid-for publicity Saturday: Building the ultimate sales website At the end there are questions to ensure you have taken it all in and cartoons, diagrams and visual aids throughout help make Digital Marketing In A Week an enjoyable and effective learning experience. So what are you waiting for? Take the fast track to successful digital marketing!

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