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Read ebook Donna K. Hammaker - Health Care Ethics and the Law PDF


Health Care Ethics and the Law is a comprehensive, practical resource designed for those preparing for a career in healthcare management.In 16 chapters, the text explains and illustrates ethical principles and their application in the real world, including material that is consistently cited by the U.S. Supreme Court and the nation's highest appellate courts. The book also explores substantive theories of classic ethicists in the Western world, along with current scholarly literature from the nation's leading ethicists.Seasoned author Donna K. Hammaker seamlessly integrates ethical and legal concepts without overwhelming the reader with philosophies and theory. With an emphasis on interpretation, insight, and ideas, Health Care Ethics and the Law will guide healthcare professionals through the ethical decisions they will face in their everyday professional lives.Key Features: Presents over 150 ethical dilemmas that lets the reader decide the best course of action. Guides the reader through multiple ethical decision-making methods including: A framework of eight decision-making models, ten universal values, and eight principles in the American ethic. Addresses the ethical and health law issues related to the Affordable Care Act. Includes reviews and interviews with over 30 health industry experts to supplement research on key topics and help explain current and future trends in healthcare ethics and the law. Examines actual court decisions recently decided by the U.S. Supreme Court and the nation's highest appellate courts. Access to Navigate 2 online learning materials including a comprehensive and interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, learning analytics reporting tools, and more, Health Care Ethics and the Law is written to engage students with the ethical decisions faced by health care professionals every day. Based on principles and applications in health care ethics and the law, this text extends beyond areas that are often included in discussions of political philosophy and the principles of justice. This text explores ethical dilemmas in which there are two or more equally valid decisions to choose from. Real-world issues are explored that are often decided based on personal ethics, such as abortion and end-of-life care. This text bridges research and practice, reflecting current issues facing the health care industry and government agencies. The ethics concepts in this text are old-fashioned practical questions of life: right and wrong and how to treat other people justly and fairly. The application of justice and compassion seeks to provide health care professionals with sufficient knowledge of ethics to become intelligent, critical thinkers in professional practice.The book is designed for undergraduate students seeking the basic management skills required to work in health care organizations, as well as graduate students currently working in health care organizations as health care industry administrators, physicians, nurses, pharmacists, therapists, scientists, and other administrative and clinical managers. This text is also relevant to general health care consumers who are simply attempting to navigate the complex U.S. health care system. Filled with practical applications and real world examples, this book will guide health care professionals through the ethical decisions they will face in their everyday lives.

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